Meeting Minutes 2011
Nebraska Serious Injury & Line-of- Duty Death Response Team
E-Board Conference Call Meeting – 4-10-2011
Team Mission Statement: “Assist families and departments to Honor with the highest dignity our injured or fallen Brothers and
Sisters by representing the highest quality of attitude and professionalism
Meeting was called to order at 8:34PM by President Karla Houfek.
Attended via phone: E-Board members: Karla Houfek, Kyle Ienn, and Mitch Bolte – Brian Policky joined at 8:46PM.
Secretary report: Minutes from 3-6-2011 meeting sent out by Kyle.
Moved by Mitch, 2nd by Karla : Approved
Treasurer’s report:
Treasurers report for February and March, 2011
Beginning balance $5,175.92
02-24 check #1068 $20.00 Secretary of State (Biennial Report)
02-26 check #1069 $150.00 Elite Concepts (annual fee – team webpage)
02-11 deposit $50.00 Dues- Loewenstein & Tubbs
Ending balance $5,055.92
(Note-Tom Hasse and Fred Benzel have paid their dues )
Kyle asked if Biennial Report has been sent to State. Mitch will check and make sure it has.
Motion by Karla, 2nd Kyle to approve Treasurer Report : Approved
Secretary Position- Kyle continues to serve as Acting Secretary until one is appointed by Board of Directors.
Discussion on a replacement: Will continue with Kyle as Acting Sec. until further notice.
Past Due Members –
Rick Bourque – check lost – will send this week
Casey Pascale – check lost – will send this week
Cameron Calleroz – No Contact
Bill Fortune – No contact
Ryan Nielsen – Will send this week
Remembrance newsletter: Continues to go out on the first day of the month to everyone registered on our database
LODD Shirts – Need to place order for 12 shirts, approved Karla to order.
Fire School – Kyle, presenters: Melissa Woitaleicz, Eve Heminger Todd King, Anson Korte. Fire School Class is taken care of.
Training in Kearney – Kyle requested help with Table Top Training Exercise from John Proels.
Kyle will continue to work on this and plan for training in August.
Water fights –
Karla stated the LODD team has operated the water fights, this will be the 4th year, with the proceeds going to the NFRM as
they have in the past. Nothing has changed from 2008 to today,
Reply from the NFRM committee.
1.Who is operating the Water fights? The NSILODD team, same as past years. The water fights has always been a team
effort, members choosing to volunteer are welcome. Reply from the NFRM committee
2.Do you have enough help or do you need help? We could always use more.
E-Board members stated this year the Memorial Committee will handle the Water Fights with committee members and no pressure
on regular members to assist.
E-Board requests a detailed report each month from the Memorial Committee Chair on what activities the Committee is planning.
New Business –
State Benefits – JoEllen Kelly, PhD, State Benefits Research with the NFFF is requesting each State forward benefits offered
in their state to her. Request was sent out to team for assistance. Kyle will take care of forwarding Nebraska State
benefits to Foundation.
Team Newsletter- Kyle will take care of producing a quarterly newsletter for Team Members and sending out. Events from the
past 3 months and plans going forward.
Application – Bobby Payne – Nolan contacted references and all had high marks for him.
Moved by Kyle to add to team, 2nd by Mitch, Approved.
CAST Events –
Kyle reported his attendance at the Kentucky annual LAST Banquet March 3-5. Attended 8 hour training and banquet which was
attended by over 500 survivors and supporters.
Kyle reported on going to Washington DC April 6th to participate in a panel for Town Hall Meeting. Panel was Hope Janke,
Ron Sarniki, & Kyle Ienn. Facilitator was Chief Billy Goldfedder.
Baskin Robbins- 31 cent scoop April 27th. Fundraiser for Foundation. Kyle will send letter to Departments who have
Baskins Robbins in City for support.
2010 IRS Filing, Mitch is working on this with Lacey & Assoc. Will be completed by May 15th.
Motion to adjourn by Brian seconded by Mitch – Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 21:46
Minutes taken by Kyle Ienn, acting secretary
Nebraska Serious Injury & Line of Duty Death Response Team 4-10-2011
Nebraska Serious Injury & Line-of- Duty Death Response Team Conference Call – 2/20/2011
Team Mission Statement: “Assist families and departments to Honor with the highest dignity our injured or fallen Brothers and Sisters by representing the highest quality of attitude and professionalism
Meeting was called to order at 20:10 by President Karla Houfek.
Attended via phone: E-Board members: Karla Houfek, Kyle Ienn, Mitch Bolte, and Nolan Paulsen, Brian Policky arrived @ 9:29PM.
Board of Directors: Ron Tubbs, Leo Benes, Dave Backhus
Secretary report: Minutes from 1-9-2011 meeting sent out by Karla. Motion to approve by Mitch, Second by Nolan, approved. Kyle obtained was not on board at during meeting.
Treasurer’s report:
Dated 02-20-2011
Beginning balance $4322.28
01-05 check #1067 $28.00 State Farm Ins. (Team Trailer)
01-10 deposit $278.39 Sale of challenge coins (213.64) and 1 shirt (64.75)
01-24 ” $475.00 Dues
01-24 ” $143.00 Donation from Eagle Raceway
01-28 ” $50.00 Dues
11-29 ” (64.75) Deposit inadvertently recorded twice, once on 11-29-201 and part of 278.39 deposit on 01-10-11
Ending balance $5175.92
Motion by Karla to approve the Treasurer’s report, Second by Nolan, approved unanimously
Annual Meeting held January 15, 2011 at the Ralston Fire Station.
Training was good by the Foundation.
Secretary Position-Board of Directors discussed at their annual meeting to send out e-mail to all members to look for member interested in Secretary position. Leo stated he will send out e-mail asking for interest.
Past Due Members –
Fred Benzel
Rick Bourque – check lost – will re-issue
Casey Pascale – check lost – will re-issue
Todd King – will send check in on 2-21-11
Cameron Calleroz
Bill Fortune
Thomas Haase
Ryan Lowenstein – Deliverd to Mitch by Brian 1st week of Feburary
Ryan Nielsen
Kyle made contact with Rick, Casey, Todd & Bill prior to meeting for dues. Kyle will contact remaining members and inquire about dues.
Remembrance newsletter: continues to go out on the first day of the month to everyone registered on our database
Jenny Maloney asked Karla about getting paid to update and maintain our Web-Site. Motion by Kyle Ienn to pay $150 per year, second Nolan. Approved unanimously.
Shirts –No new shirts sent out since November
Fire School – Kyle has been working on this. Kyle will take over Fire School class since he is now on E-Board.
Water fights – Tubbs asked if we wanted to do water fights. Discussion about involvement of the team.
Tubbs: Lincoln Parachute club could land at the event
Tubbs: Water Fight equipment was built from initial event and now belongs to the Memorial.
Discussion by Kyle Ienn on moving the memorial out from under the Response Team to its own entity with its own 501C3. Ron Tubbs will check with City of Grand Island on the current contract on the Memorial.
Discussion on partnering with Fire Guard on the Water Fight event.
Kearny Vol FF – expressed interest on donating money to the team for the trailer for allowing them to use it for Memorial Garden Event.
Communication – Discussion on sending out minutes to members. Motion by Kyle to send a link to all members with the web-site when new minutes are posted second by Nolan. Approved unanimously.
E-Board Conf Call Meetings – Discussion on moving meetings to every other month. Concerns raised on meetings needed between now and fire school. Meetings can be called at any time by President. Next Conf call meeting will be March 6 @ 8PM
New Business –
Applications – (Turned into Ken Tracy) & E-mailed out to E-Board
Chaplain Bobby Payne
1012 9th AVE
Kearney NE 68845
Nolan will verify references and report back to E-Board
Biennial Report – is due this year and need to send $20. Need to have a secretary for the report. Kyle offered to be the Acting Secretary until position is filled and agreed by Chairman of the Board Leo Benes.
Karla asked Mitch about paperwork to accountant for team report, Mitch will check on this.
Honor Guard- Mitch discussed the team having an Honor Guard Commander. Discussion followed. Leo suggested we appoint an Honor Guard Commander based on the individual incident and not part of the team. Motion by Mitch Bolte to create an Honor Guard Commanders Position and have Dave Backhus fill the position per the NFFF guidelines, second by Karla, approved unanimously.
CAST Position –
Current By-Laws Read:
CAST Member: The CAST member will consist of 1 member appointed by the e-Board and the president to serve as the second CAST Team member.”
Foundation Read:
Team Leader: The Team Leader shall also be known as the CAST (Coordinator of the Assistance State Team) and shall be a member of the fire service who has experienced or was heavily involved with a line-of-duty death. A Chief Officer is preferable but not required. The CAST will be selected by the NFFF based on an application process. The CAST shall then select two alternate leaders for the team. The CAST shall be proficient in the Department of Justice, Public Safety Officer’s Benefit application process.
Board of Directors will change the By-Laws to match the NFFF.
Anything for the good of the cause?
Kyle suggested doing a table top training session during August for all members.
Kyle mentioned the roster on the Web-Site is out dated. Karla will take care of.
Motion to adjourn by Kyle seconded by Mitch and passed. Meeting adjourned at 21:53.
Minutes taken by Kyle Ienn
Nebraska Serious Injury & Line of Duty Death Response Team 2-20-2011